What do our customers use their room for?
- Storage for their online business,
- Annex for a family member.
- Temporary sleeping space for guests.
- An extra addition to a holiday home
- Children’s playroom
- Playroom for children
- A relaxing space for children with autism and other disabilities.
- sensory room for schools and community organizations
- School Canteen
- Retail pod for
- Snacks and Drinks Pod
- Snooker Room
- Darts room
- Swimming Pool Room
- Home Cinema
- Home Office
- Sun Room
- Split-Use Garden room, 1 side for sitting, 1 side for storing vintage ales.
- Pet Grooming Parlour
- Hairdressing Salon / Barbers salon
- Beaty therapy salon
- Home Spa
- Home Sauna
- Hot Tub
As you can see the list is quite long, and yet there are many more ways to utilize our SIP Kitz buildings.
If these ideas have given you some inspiration and you wish to know more, please get in touch.